hello guys, I just joined this forum and I am happy to meet you.
I hope you will help me with my many questions...
My first question is how can I delete the offline file copy of Synology Drive Client on my windows 11 pc?
I would like to free up space on the disk.
Thanks in advance!
I have changed to win 11 on new laptop and cannot detect NAS 214 but can on old laptop running win 10. I have tried re-maping network drive no good. not too sure how to go forward. Advice would be most appreciated. Thanks.
One computer on 10GbE network has significantly slower transfer speeds to Synology NAS. Advice on solutions to try?
I work in a post-production house with a 10GbE network and two Synology NAS’s for video editing. Five of our PCs have excellent transfer speeds (DS1821+ does 930 MB/s...
I use a USB3.0 enclosure case, brand and model Kesu 2530 and Orico 25PW1 black, i use 2.5" HDDs models and brands Seagate ST500LM030 and WDC WD10JPVX-08JC3T5, APPLE HDD HTS541010A99E662
In Windows 10 and others Windows there is an eject function (safely remove hardware) when this function is...
Using DS420J and Synology Drive Client for backup.
I folder users\username\AppData there are three folders
of which only two of them are backed up
Locallow and Roaming.
Folder Local in not backed up.
Windows permissions are the same for all three folder.
Can you please advice?
Running windows11...
I have ABB set to backup a Windows machine every evening. I'm getting a notification email each morning stating the backup completed successfully. Would prefer to receive just warning/error notifications. I see the notification message format in ABB, but I can't find where to disable ABB...
I want to backup a Windows server (2008 R2) or at least the specified files on this server on a Synology located in another city, i.e. in a remote location.
The remote location has an Internet connection only via the mobile Internet, with no chance of a public address (mobile network have only...
I access DSM from Safari on a Mac. How do I switch between windows in DSM? I found the Keyboard shortcut info:
but I don't know how to issue Alt-W on the Mac Keyboard: Opt-W (which would be the normal equivalent) does not work.
Any idea how to switch between windows in DSM via Keyboard on a...
Hi ! first thread but not the last :)
Synology Directory server is set and working. Can bind windows 10 stations to the Synology AD. No windows servers in the network.
I've created shared folders using the DSM interface.
Connecting to this shared folder using Windows 10, mapped like...
Hi there,
I have a bit of puzzle for you today. There was a need to edit all our cameras to set them up with a unique password per camera.
So i did my preperation, created a bunch of passwords, and set to work.
We use a windows 2016 server for all our admin activities. I do the following...
I set up a Synology 920+ using windows for my own personal use. My son-in-law liked it and asked if I could set up one for him. I set up a 923+ for him using windows. I put 23TB pf media on the NAS's hds. However, SIL uses on only Apple products. I plugged the 923+ in the main puck of his mesh...
Up to the 10th March I losty the ability to log on to my shared folders from my windows devices, Windows 10, Windows 11, Server 2019. Basically I am stuck in a loop where the NAS prompts for a user name and password, and rejects the repsonse saying the password is invalid. This is the same...
In an attempt to be able to create a recoverable backup of both my Windows operating system, programs and typical user accounts/data, all from a system C: drive as well as select folders from a data (D:) drive I am trying to run both Active Backup for Business (AB4B) on the C: and Synology Drive...
One one of my client machines (Windows 11 latest build non-Insider), I have lost all my Shell Icon overlays. I've checked my settings and the Display tab shows that they should be enabled. When I connect on my laptop I can see them all, it's just on my main desktop that I've lost them.
Just built a brand new WIndows 11 Home PC and have encountered a strange issue.
Whilst coming to the final stages of installing all the software etc to match my existing Windows 10 PC, I find I am unable to map any drives to the NAS or even access the DSM interface.
DSM version : 7.2.64570...
This is a genuine question. In all the years I've owned Synology NASs I don't think I'ever successfully pulled a single file on Windows machine from an external USB hard drive with a Hyperbackup repository on it.
I do not know what I'm doing wrong, or what Synology is doing wrong, but I always...
I am unable to view Team Folders in Windows explorer even though they have been enabled in Drive Admin Console.
The right permissions have been granted to the user and they do appear on the Drive app...
Unfortunately, in the User\Synology Drive folder in Win Explorer, only the "My Drive"...
I've used this 1619+ for quite a while without many problems. After getting my Windows 11 box last year, I note that if I haven't accessed the Synology in a while (15 min? 30? 60?) the next access requires 7 seconds before the application (Explorer, etc.) updates.
I think sometimes when I...
Hi, I’m new to using a forum so please be patient with me. I will shortly be installing a Synology DS223j nas. My pc runs windows 11. All I want to do at first is an initial backup of library folders, document, photo, music, etc and then incremental backups thereafter. DSM 7.2 seems to have many...