I think this is a bug in Moments that has been carried over to Synology Photos, originally seen in the Moments Shared Photo Library as follows
unless a video has a certain XMP tag then Moments will look to the modification date not the creation date when ordering those videos after a copy event - and that the modification datetime will be the copy event datetime.
I imagine that if you check, all your photos now share the same modification datetime and it is this not the creation datetime that Photos is ordering off in the timeline view
So, if you copy several months of videos or photos that lack this tag from your User Library to the Shared Library, then in the Shared Library timeline view they will ALL be timestamped with the copy datetime', and therefore not ordered any more,
unless the following tag is present
- all videos :
- XMP.video.Date.UTC
- (In UTC %Year:%Month:%Date:%Time format)
- quicktime videos :
- Xmp.xmp.com.apple.quicktime.creationdate
So that leads to 2 questions
1) where can one find this Tag? Synology support tells me that some of my videos have it, and some don't, but can't explain to me where to find it
2) if one finds the Tag, can one edit it? Can one bulk edit lots at the same time?