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- DS 718+, 2x-DS 720+
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i have some older security cameras that have in the past received firmware updates, but years ago (2019) their factory deemed them obsolete, and ceased issuing security or bugfix for them, even though the 1920x1080 video quality and operation they produced was excellent.
And then I’ve 4x 4K cameras: 2 each from 2 different bought from China companies that do not have any firmware updates available.
All obvious remote access options to “phone home” or remote access have been disabled in camera firmware. I do not need remote access to them:
Cameras only need to “talk” to SS on NAS. I’ll get my remote access via DS CAM! Other than initial cam configuration via LAN, cameras are isolated from internet by router firewall.
No VLAN here.
Can Anything else be done ? Then I recalled:
One time a few years ago on a Smart TV there was an issue where a firmware update allowed access to a certain channel. I wanted that - but it never found a firmware update. It turns out I did a typo in the gateway (I use Static IP’s here), and it couldn’t get the wanted update due to the incorrect Gateway setting I added! Fixed Gateway IP: Firmware update successful!
Using that approach, I went into all cameras, all have static IP’s, and programmed in a bogus gateway IP…. X.X.X.1.
I have no device at that bogus IP. The cameras accepted the bogus gateway.
I still have the range of camera IP’s blocked from internet & ICMP to internet in router firewall at X.X.X.24.
Getting no Hits on those rules. I love the Hits column in router firewall!
I’m self taught. Nosy what you think about that bogus gateway IP approach in devices you want to further isolate. I have a few other devices I’m considering doing that to….
Thank you!
And then I’ve 4x 4K cameras: 2 each from 2 different bought from China companies that do not have any firmware updates available.
All obvious remote access options to “phone home” or remote access have been disabled in camera firmware. I do not need remote access to them:
Cameras only need to “talk” to SS on NAS. I’ll get my remote access via DS CAM! Other than initial cam configuration via LAN, cameras are isolated from internet by router firewall.
No VLAN here.
Can Anything else be done ? Then I recalled:
One time a few years ago on a Smart TV there was an issue where a firmware update allowed access to a certain channel. I wanted that - but it never found a firmware update. It turns out I did a typo in the gateway (I use Static IP’s here), and it couldn’t get the wanted update due to the incorrect Gateway setting I added! Fixed Gateway IP: Firmware update successful!
Using that approach, I went into all cameras, all have static IP’s, and programmed in a bogus gateway IP…. X.X.X.1.
I have no device at that bogus IP. The cameras accepted the bogus gateway.
I still have the range of camera IP’s blocked from internet & ICMP to internet in router firewall at X.X.X.24.
Getting no Hits on those rules. I love the Hits column in router firewall!
I’m self taught. Nosy what you think about that bogus gateway IP approach in devices you want to further isolate. I have a few other devices I’m considering doing that to….
Thank you!