- 1,146
- 373
- DS620slim, DS415+
- Operating system
- Linux
- macOS
- Windows
- Mobile operating system
- Android
- iOS
The full year stats are in. A bit more data as it is the full year coverage.
As always: be careful with the interpretation as lifetime, brands, number of drives and drive hours vary, and wrong conclusions are easily drawn.
Also datacenter use is not the same as NAS use.
Anyway I like to review it a bit.
As always: be careful with the interpretation as lifetime, brands, number of drives and drive hours vary, and wrong conclusions are easily drawn.
Also datacenter use is not the same as NAS use.
Anyway I like to review it a bit.
Backblaze Drive Stats for 2022
Check out the 2022 year-end Drive Stats data, and let us know your thoughts in the comments.