Synology Calendar has me pulling what little hair I have left out. Id appreciate your help.
It syncs fine with my desktop Morgen calendar but will not work with either of their mobile apps. Or with Full Calendar on my Obsidian. Also when I try tried with Davx5 it synced as cardav and not caldav and listed my contacts rather than calendar. Not sure how or if that relates and im not interested in solving that issue in particular but mention it in case its relevant
I used this guide to install things FYI
Thanks for your help
It syncs fine with my desktop Morgen calendar but will not work with either of their mobile apps. Or with Full Calendar on my Obsidian. Also when I try tried with Davx5 it synced as cardav and not caldav and listed my contacts rather than calendar. Not sure how or if that relates and im not interested in solving that issue in particular but mention it in case its relevant
I used this guide to install things FYI
Thanks for your help