I can't seem to load the browser-based photo station UI in DSM6. I get the error:
Postgres' peer authentication queries the system for the system user corresponding to the provided login, and
When I login usingSQLSTATE[08006] [7] FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "PhotoStation"
psql -U postgres
and then execute \du
, I see the right users/roles:Everything else works, ie. mail station, download station, Moments, etc. it's just PhotoStation that does not. The same problem occurs with both PHP7.0 and PHP5.6.postgres=# \du
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
AudioStation | | {MediaIndex}
DownloadStation | | {}
MailStation | | {}
MediaIndex | | {}
PhotoStation | | {}
SynologyApplicationService | Create DB | {}
SynologyMoments | Create DB | {}
postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {}
Postgres' peer authentication queries the system for the system user corresponding to the provided login, and
does contain PhotoStation as a user and a group, with the same configuration as the other service users that all work, so I'm not sure where the exact failure is. The postgres log file, /var/log/postgresql.log
, shows the following lines:I take from this that it's attempting to login as PhotoStation, but it's a web service running under the http user so that's the user that the system returns for peer authentication, and so it fails to match. Not sure how to resolve this, any thoughts?2021-01-03T12:29:23-05:00 MyServer postgres[1655]: [4-1] LOG: provided user name (PhotoStation) and authenticated user name (http) do not match
2021-01-03T12:29:23-05:00 MyServer postgres[1655]: [5-1] FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "PhotoStation"
2021-01-03T12:29:23-05:00 MyServer postgres[1655]: [5-2] DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 3: "local all all peer"