Deleted member 5784
Me again.Is there any way for my to load the DSM onto the 212 without using web assistant or desktop assistant?
Cannot help but thinking the issues might be because after hard reset (which wiped the DSM) i need to get a DSM back onto it by other means. I had some connectivity (even though it dropped) when I had DSM. Now nothing
The reset of DSM isn't the source of the issue here; even when resetting the Syno using the button, when working correctly a basic webserver is still running on the NAS which responds to the 'find.synology.com' address request by a browser. A reset NAS also responds to basic network (arp) requests which is how the Synology Assistant app finds the Syno before DSM is installed.
In your case, none of these aspects are reported as working as they should. The unit is not seen by Syno Assistant, does not show up in a scan of the LAN address space, and it is reporting no details to the browser (eg Mac address, Serial no., NAS name). This behaviour is out of spec, and has been reported elsewhere on syno forums with no apparent resolution.
Imo there's little further you can achieve as the unit is 10 years old and long out of support / warranty.