Hello and welcome.
By default, regardless of what NAS NIC you are using inside VMM (by default it will be your NIC/LAN1 adapter), any VM using it will be in a NAT configuration.
Meaning, any IP address that you configure inside your Ubuntu VM using your LAN subnet (the same one your NAS, computer, phone, etc) you should get access to it. This is exactly what you have already said its working for you.
To get outside access to that same machine you need to open ports on your router for a specific protocol targeting your Ubunutu local IP address. This is very dangerous as you are exposing your internal network via a VM to the outside world. Any direct VNC, RDP, SMB access, will result in major attacks by bots or someone more intelligent, and the end result could be catastrophic.
Suggestion here would be to use a protected access via a) a VPN, or b) some sort of "bastion" web application that can "stream" RDP, VNC, FTP and similar ports. To make any of the two suggestions additional configuration is needed.
Are you familiar with the concepts? If not, it would be best to educate yourself on those, see if you can support that setup and then test it out. Having a remote client-server access over the Internet to connect to a DB without any secure element will lead to a huge set of problems, so be sure to understand what needs to be done and why you should do it.