Question GIT - Grafana InfluxDB Telegraf - DS918+ monitoring dashboard (and more to come)

@Rusty Ok, this may well be where I'm going wrong....
Default install from your json:
View attachment 2973
Editing CPU Utilization:
View attachment 2974
Change to Synology (what I've named that datasource and it is also set to default)
View attachment 2975

Don't quite understand where I'm going wrong. :(
I know it's me being stupid.

I know I'm getting data into the database as a docker overview gives me information:
View attachment 2976
Definitely a problem with the host parameter inside your query. You will need to select your Database that you have connected to grafana and then under the host variable locate the name of your nas that has been picked up. This should be the same value that you have set inside your DSM for the nas name.
Thank you both, not sure why but it has started working.
I've been tweaking as I go, so must have had something set wrongly.

Need to also look at eth0 and eth1 reporting seperately (I did have it configured as bonded, but for some reason one of the network ports decided to run at 100M rather than 1000M and everything was being dumped down that and nothing down the 1000M).
I found a query that gave a result:
SELECT derivative("bytes_sent", 1s) AS "eth1 sent", derivative("bytes_recv", 1s) AS "eth1 recv" FROM "synology_network" WHERE ("interface_name" = 'eth1') AND $timeFilter

Just need to play with it so it shows the same as yours. :)

Then try to work out why I'm getting nothing from SNMP.
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Thanks @Rusty checked and that's there.
I updated the containers this morning (as DIUN was telling me they were out of date) and the dashboard is dead again (except for the 2 network panels I changed) - about to see what happens with @Shoop CPU query.

Ok... looks like by adding that to telegraf it broke that (unable to bind). Which in turn at least appears to have borked the rest - changed it back and it's happy again :D

This may be a stupid question.. But should the mibs have .txt ending? Or should I have removed all of those?
Mine are all called (eg)
Is that correct or should it be:
I only ask as I see:
Cannot find module (IF-MIB): At line 1 in (none),
2021-02-03T09:32:00Z E! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: initializing table : translating: MIB search path: /root/.snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/iana:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/ietf:/usr/share/mibs/site:/usr/share/snmp/mibs:/usr/share/mibs/iana:/usr/share/mibs/ietf:/usr/share/mibs/netsnmp
But have checked and the path is:

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