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Recently got a notification that my certificates are due to expired. This has been working for years with no issues and nothing has changed regarding firewall or port opening/closing. The only thing I can thing of is I use Google Domains and there is currently a transition period where that is being handed off to Squarespace due to acquisition. One thing they discontinued was their DDNS, so in the meantime I had pointed my DDNS subdomain name to the ddns name and everything was still working. If I can recall I believe I even did a test renewal on a cert to make sure that work and it did. For now I have set my ddns subdomain name to an A record pointing to my public ip address to rule out if that is the issue or not. I'm only about 10 hrs into that change, and still cannot renew. Not sure if this is due to the aforementioned or maybe now I'm in some sort of lockout period with LE for too many tries within a certain time.
When I attempt to renew the cert manually DSM UI throws a Notification "The operation failed. Please sign in to DSM again and retry," pretty generic.
I remember way back in the day when first setting this up @Rusty had pointed me to logging in via SSH and viewing some logs there. From there, there was a more specific error of what was going on. SSH is one of my weak points, if someone can help me with the commands and location of where these logs would be to take a look.
When I attempt to renew the cert manually DSM UI throws a Notification "The operation failed. Please sign in to DSM again and retry," pretty generic.
I remember way back in the day when first setting this up @Rusty had pointed me to logging in via SSH and viewing some logs there. From there, there was a more specific error of what was going on. SSH is one of my weak points, if someone can help me with the commands and location of where these logs would be to take a look.