I installed docker and the mayanedms/mayanedms package.
Mayan seem to be the only one that started. Paperless stopped after a few Seconds.
First question, will Mayan run by itself do do I also need Redis/PostgreSQL?
2nd: Where is the data container? I like to have the user data in the /docker/ folder in case of any upgrade.
My aim: I have lots of catalogs and flyers from exhibitions that I want to scan (to readable PDF, so I don't really need OCR in Mayan) and then find catalogs by keywords, or browse catalogs from a specific exhibition.
Mayan seem to be the only one that started. Paperless stopped after a few Seconds.
First question, will Mayan run by itself do do I also need Redis/PostgreSQL?
2nd: Where is the data container? I like to have the user data in the /docker/ folder in case of any upgrade.
My aim: I have lots of catalogs and flyers from exhibitions that I want to scan (to readable PDF, so I don't really need OCR in Mayan) and then find catalogs by keywords, or browse catalogs from a specific exhibition.