Don’t have one, but things I ran into with cameras I’ve used with SS:
Update cam firmware if needed.
Verify that cam list is updated on SS.
Check to see if port # is correct in camera’s manual. If cam mfg was found in SS, this should be set automatically.
If you are in USA, make sure cam is set for NTSC with frame rate is 30fps European is PAL and set for 25fps. You can then set framerate as needed, depending on recording system in SS. Match cam with your local TV System.
My Ali Express cams will randomly change to H265+ from H264, with refusal to record or, steppy playback be the result. H264, though higher bandwidth, is less problematical with motion artifacts.
Your camera viewer (DS CAM here), your video player (DS FILE here), recorder (SS here), and camera format All must be compatible with one another. If camera is H265+ and SS only does H265………
Make sure the time camera uses, and NAS, are using the same time source, or all sorts of issues can be encountered. I use one NAS as time reference. with it set to internet time source, and point all cameras, NAS’s, Computers here, to that NAS’s local IP.
If you see your camera’s active video in the SS’s IP camera’s icon, instead of camera graphic, your good.