What packages are you running? Some, like Synology Drive, hold versioned data that is outside Shared Folders, so is difficult to find (check in the package's admin settings to see how much they take up).
To put in a simplified way:
A drive in DSM is partitioned to hold a small space for DSM itself (this is mirrored across all drives in the NAS so that all but one drive can be removed and DSM still runs). There is then another partition of raw storage which is used for a Storage Pool. You configure how this Storage Pool is used, so a single or multi-drive pool of a specific RAID type.
A Storage Pool now can be itself used to create one or more Volumes. Where a Volume is formatted with a file system (Btrfs or ext4). The most common home NAS setup is all drives configured to hold one Storage Pool, and that pool holds one Volume. Using Btrfs provides access for using snapshots and some packages need/prefer it: for instance Drive is much more economical with its versioning storage when using Btrfs, if you have selected ext4 then this could be where the missing space is being used.
The Volume can now be used to hold Shared Folders, which are what is visible using file sharing service such as SMB. Use Storage Analyzer to determine the space take by the Shared Folders. However, Volumes are where Package Center packages are installed and they have configurations and sometimes data that are outside Shared Folders. So you might miss a large data usage by a package, as I mentioned earlier about Drive Server.
You say you only have 2 TB of active data, so there must be something you have installed / activated that is now consuming 1.6 TB for versioning or backup/snapshots. That's what you need to look for.