agree, they (unskilled users) don't need to care about it. No doubt.
Majority of the car drivers don't care about setup of airbags. What is also OK.
They believe, that their car producer will care about it. What is also OK.
But in the NAS market for home users no one from the NAS vendors care about such security and they transfer the responsibility to the unskilled users. What isn't OK.
A Virtual assistant for general NAS setup, based on qualified segments (share, photo, ...) can cover such generic issues.
Based on simple NAS owner choice:
- I need file share in my home network for my: Mac, iOS, ... and rule based system can create all necessary steps, include guide for the client side.
- I need connection from Internet to my photos .... also system can create general Quick-connect account, ...
- I need save some movies into NAS and watch them on my TV .....
... etc.
this is not about AI. It's simple rule based system (part of DSM) connected to maintained DB of devices (Synology service). Just for 10Euro per installation (paid by card) - as added value services from Synology side, directly for their new/installed base. Just for the beginners. Free setup for skilled as is now.
Smart people called it "monetization" of the installed base. look for the Game industry and In-game purchasing.
Also for SRM. .... specially for security features when you need create new Admin account and delete previous
. For beginners it's really hard to achieve. But here is a discussion about mass market. Not about special appliances for skilled professionals.
And this is the NAS vendors responsibility. Even better - better market capture strategy. Or change of their R&D behavior.