What are the risks of using an older DS NAS that is unable to support DSM 7 and is stuck on DSM 6? Or DSM 5?! Or earlier DSM versions? I am running two DS218+ devices (DSM 7), learning a lot and they are performing great. Super happy with my upgrade from a DS110j! But I'm interested in a 'sandbox' device that I would just use for fun - but I don't want to expose my network to undue risk if it is so old that it can not support the current DSM. I mean, I can change the default ports, turn off most of the susceptible services. But, fundamentally, how much more risky is DSM 6 vs DSM 7? What about even earlier versions of DSM? Is there a 'breakpoint' below which it is inadvisable to go? I know that a DSx12 (let's say) is less capable, performance wise, than a DSx23. But what if I don't care much about performance? If that DSx12 is limited to DSM 6.2.4, what risks do I assume relative to a DSM 7 device?