I have a DS224+ which I would like to implement SSD read caching on but I am having issues. Synology have confirmed that it does not support it officially but I have SSH'd into the machine and see that I can use flashcache_create so it should be possible. I have a single 12tb seagate nas drive setup as volume1 via DSM and an unused 1tb SSD in the second SATA slot that I want to use as a cache. When I run the command
I get an error about the cachedev device being busy which doesn't make a lot of sense as the cachedev device is just the name of the flashcache cache. Do I need to unmount volume1 first (the SSD which uses /dev/sata1 is already unmounted)?
sudo flashcache_create -v -p thru -n 2 cachedev /dev/sata1 /dev/mapper/vg1-volume_1