My hard drive D: stores mainly the relocated user profile directories in which containing many important business data. Most of the data also link to the installed software. Knowing that keeping the relocated user profile directory on network drive is not stable because it may cause issue so I continue to keep the directory on internal drive of the pc. So drive D: is containing data of the system drive.
I need a backup of this drive on NAS with versioning because:
1) I sometimes need to access the data remotely;
2) In case drive D: is down and there is no spare hard drive around for restoring, I may temporary link the user profile directory on NAS back to the pc by means of mapped drive, though not recommended, to avoid disruption of business.
I understand that Cloud Station Backup and Synology Drive can serve the purpose, its only personal preference to explore ways to keep the data on a share folder instead of the home folder.
Thanks for your suggestion anyway.