Ok, so after posting above, I thought I’d try to kick off a manual HB task, it also failed as a partial backup. When I checked the settings, Drive Server was not selected as an app to backup, I’m not sure if the NAS deselected it, or I didn’t save the settings correctly, but either way, not sure why I’m getting a warning? I never Backup Surveillance Station and have never received the partial backup error. In the logs it tells me that both apps were either missing or not selected?
Anyway, I selected Drive Server and kicked off another manual backup, it’s running now but my backup size is increasing from normal. I haven’t added any data - does it treat the CloudStation data and Drive data as two seperate sources? Do I need to wait for the timeframe to expire on my Versioning rules so the CloudStation data drops off to regain the drive space? (I upgraded from CS to Drive).
A potential issue I see with this, is, what happens if my Backup target (either USB HDD or Cloud destination etc) was nearly full, assume the backup would fail?