- 1,091
- 454
An updated version was uploaded on 14th August 2019
The updated was flawless, the existing containers were restarted.
Seems fine so far.
Though, again this version leaves a sweatbitter taste: 18.09.0 is the inital relase of the 18.9 version from 11th Nov. 2018, without any bugfixes or CVE fixes. I strongly hope that Synology just messed up the version numbering OR backported all fixes to this particular version. Again Synology provdes a CE version from the year/month branch after end of the support period from Docker Inc for this particulare version - marvelous!
Indeed the installed version is based on 18.09.6, which was general available on 2nd May 2019. Gentlemen, we actualy received a Docker CE that has active support from Docker Inc (of course the UI is still a concern of Synology)
The updated was flawless, the existing containers were restarted.
Seems fine so far.
Indeed the installed version is based on 18.09.6, which was general available on 2nd May 2019. Gentlemen, we actualy received a Docker CE that has active support from Docker Inc (of course the UI is still a concern of Synology)