Sorry about the mistake above.... Just like a professional Audio board: "Too Many Knobs"!
Anyway, tried this update a couple days ago, and it failed.... Actually "Halted, and Exited Installer" is the correct phrase....
The 7.1.1-42962 will not install unless the Latest Surveillance Station is First installed... (Was waiting for a bug to be fixed that the Homeowner's Association Website is waiting for: I am still running V8 SS)....
So today, updated SS, then ran -42962 installer, and then updated Advanced Media Encoder... on my 2nd
The simple things I'm doing in SS are still working.... Access via DS CAM.... Will check other things, and Website Lady -- later.... off for Dr. Appointment
EDIT: all 3 NAS's have been updated... Only strangeness was with how AME reacted.....
One 720+ after update, said AME needed to be REPAIRED (Package Icon for AME also mentions 'repair needed'
Other 720+ updated fine... no prompts whatsoever.
718+ after update, said AME needed to be UPDATED (Package Icon for AME also mentions 'update needed'
Other than that, 42962 update went fine here.... and SSV9 works fine with how I use the cameras..... also....