Don't get this the wrong way, but something, somewhere, had to change. The attached image that you attached, is there an issue with the local network interface not being selected for some reason?
Also, these SMB clients that have issues after they connect, what are those? Windows machines, macOS machines? What version of OS?
Can we get a bit more info on the overall setup
Hi Rusty,
Ha ha, I didn't take it the wrong way. I've been doing tech support since 1986 and I know I should have added more details.
I'm the one answering clients questions, and telling them I need more details no matter how inconsequential they may seem. Very rarely over the years have I been the one asking for help, and when I do I act just a typical client needing tech support, LOL.
My poor excuse is that it was a long day, surprise e-mail from the client that was sent at 4:30 which I didn't see for another 3 hours, etc.
Yes, something definitely has changed. But it wasn't a change myself (as administrator of the server) or the singular VPN user initiated, and nobody else has access to administration of the server. Neither reboots of the NAS nor re-installation of the VPN server software resolved the issue.
Both computers accessing the VPN are Macs running macOS Ventura. They are not accessing any services on the NAS outside of VPN access to the local network which then allows access to a FileMaker server. Normally I would run the VPN server on the router hardware but didn't have that option when this was setup years ago.
The issue is that the local network interface or account type can not be selected - the dropdown fields are empty and have no selectable choices. The choices should be Network Interface: 'Lan 1'; Account Type: 'Local User'.
Update: I also have the same model NAS with the same DSM version, in my office that has never had the VPN server setup. As I was editing this message I figured I should enable it for comparison. Interestedly enough, it gives me the exact same blank dropdown menus.
They are both set to automatic DSM Updates, so I'm speculating that Synology offered up a software update that may be interacting with VPN Server.
After further digging, I have found that the VPN LAN connection issue is limited to L2TP/IPSec clients, OpenVPN clients can access the local networks without issue. It doesn't fully address the problem but I may be able to use it as a bandaid solution until I move the VPN service off to different piece of hardware.
To quote "Roger Murtaugh" - “I'm too old for this shit.”