Any thoughts on when Synology might announce new DSxx25+ models? Do they wait until CES in January or is there a history of random December announcements?
Important Note
Fixed security vulnerabilities Synology-SA-24:23 BeeStation (PWN2OWN 2024).
This version is released in a staged rollout.
This version includes the following applications:
BeeFiles 1.1.0-10555
BeePhotos 1.1.0-10052
Important Note
To enhance the browsing experience and ensure that other applications continue to run smoothly while BeeStation processes a large number of photos and videos, certain...
Check the official Synology website for release notes for BSM:
Latest versions of DSM/SRM/BSM and packages:
BSM release discussions are also available on our...
New update out today. PWN2OWN 2024, fixes
Important notes
Your Synology NAS may not notify you of this DSM update because of the following reasons. If you want to update your DSM to this version now, please click here to update it manually.
Your DSM is working fine...